Many associate the appearance of papillomas with the natural aging process. If you focus on the facts, you can immediately disprove this theory. Papillomas are found not only in the elderly, but also in children and teenagers. Papillomas are a sign of the body, indicating the presence of abnormalities. If you pay attention to education data in a timely manner, you can identify the symptoms of dangerous diseases.

Papillomas: what is it?
Papilloma - a formation on the skin or mucous membranes. This outgrowth has a soft structure, it is located on the basis of various thicknesses. In rare cases, the size of the formation exceeds 10 mm. Papillomas are usually a few millimeters in diameter. If the growth reaches 2 cm, it must be removed, followed by an examination.
The hue of the papilloma is similar to the color of the surrounding tissues. If the formation has a rigid structure, it becomes white, a yellow tint may appear. If the papilloma is located on the mucosa, it usually has a pink hue. After some time, the formation is covered with a gray coating, which occurs as a result of the growth of connective tissue. Papillomas are benign formations, but some of them are characterized by an increased risk of degeneration into a cancerous tumor.
On a note!If you find papillomas on the body, you need to see a doctor to diagnose the disease and eliminate the papilloma.
types of papillomas
There are several varieties of these formations. There are more than 100 types of papillomas, characterized by individual characteristics. In most cases, the following types are diagnosed:
Name | Description |
Simple | Compacted growths with a smooth, semicircular surface. They usually occur in the area of the fingers, hands, in rare cases the knees. Similar formations appear in childhood and adolescence. They usually pass on their own without leaving any consequences. |
apartment | Rounded formations. They are easy to notice visually as they rise above the skin. They often provoke the occurrence of various inflammatory processes, in which people complain of itching, burning. Usually detected almost immediately after appearance |
to plant | Papillomas, which in the early stages of development are often mistaken for calluses. After some time, edges form in the formation, it is possible to distinguish the center of the papilloma. When walking, people notice a manifestation of severe discomfort, sometimes pain develops. An alternative name for these papillomas is spines. |
filiform | Elongated consequences, similar to several wires connected. They usually develop in old age. The most popular areas of location: the neck area, under the armpits, near the eyes. Due to the inconvenient shape, they are characterized by a high risk of injury. |
genital warts | Papillomas located in the mucosa. They are characterized by the highest degree of danger, as there is an increased risk of malignancy. Urgent elimination of these formations is necessary. If you find these growths, see a doctor immediately. |
According to the external signs, it is possible to classify a specific papilloma as a specific group. To accurately determine the type of papilloma, the cause of its appearance, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive examination, with the help of a specialist.
Causes of Papillomas
These formations occur when infected with the human papillomavirus. When HPV is infected, the growths may not appear right away. If a person has strong immunity, the incubation period lasts for several years. When the body's natural defenses are weakened, obvious manifestations of disease occur. The presence of papillomas is considered an obvious sign of HPV.
among women
An increase in virus activity can occur under the influence of a specific spectrum of reasons. Often, papillomas are formed during pregnancy, as during the birth of the fetus there is a sharp decrease in immunity, a deterioration of the state of the body. The acceleration of their growth is affected by pathologies in the production of hormones, which are manifested not only during pregnancy, but also as a result of the constant use of contraceptives. Some scientists talk about an innate predisposition to the formation of papillomas. Often, this factor affects the occurrence of genital warts.
in men
Papillomas in most cases are located on the anus, genitals, armpits, face and hands. The predisposition to the formation of these growths is caused by bad habits, promiscuity. Men with a non-traditional orientation have an increased risk of HPV infection. The risk of papilloma formation increases if a person works in dangerous industries, often stays in contaminated rooms and comes into contact with harmful chemicals.
On a note!Often, papillomas occur in the mouth, larynx, trachea.
Risk factors
HPV infection, as well as an exacerbation of the disease, can occur under the influence of such factors:
- A sharp decrease in immunity, weakening of the whole organism.
- Constant stress, nervous shocks, prolonged depression.
- Smoking, frequent drinking, other bad habits.
- Infectious diseases including SARS, flu.
- Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Active sex life.
- The use of certain drugs, in particular antibiotics.
- Visit public places characterized by a high degree of humidity: saunas, baths, swimming pools, beaches.
transmission routes
The most common situations where there is an increased risk of transmitting the virus:
- Sexual contact without using a condom. The probability of transmission of some strains of HPV in this case reaches 99%. Mucous membranes are susceptible to infection. Highly oncogenic strains are considered the most dangerous.
- domestic contact. The transmission of the virus can be carried out with the usual handshake, kiss. The risk of infection increases with skin damage.
- Personal items, clothing, personal hygiene items that a person shares with a carrier of the virus.
- Regular access to public swimming pools. The lifespan of the virus increases in a humid environment.
- Intrauterine infection is possible when the virus is transmitted from mother to child during delivery. If you plan to conceive a child, it is advisable to carry out an examination in advance, if this infection is detected, then carry out a course of treatment.
After HPV enters the body, the incubation period begins. Virus activation occurs in the presence of provoking factors. The virus moves through the body along with the blood, which is why the formation of papillomas can occur in any area of the body. There is a risk of papillomas in Organs internal organs.
On a note!The location of the growth is affected by its variety. For example, filiform papillomas often occur at sites of constant friction.
The most common location of papillomas:
- The area around the eyes.
- eyelids.
- The area around the mouth.
- Near the anus.
- limb surface.
Papillomas are benign neoplasms, but they carry a risk of malignancy. If the papilloma suddenly increases in size, causes concern, it is necessary to do tests to exclude malignant neoplasms. The most prone to rebirth are the papillomas that form on the mucous membranes. Malignancies are more susceptible to formations that do not heal for a long time.
On a note!Areas of the body where the papilloma was incorrectly removed have a high risk of degeneration into cancerous tumors.
Dangerous consequences that manifest themselves when refusing to treat papillomas:
- Rebirth of genital warts located in the vagina. There is a risk of cervical cancer. This process takes a long time, but the disease does not manifest itself with characteristic symptoms. If you don't do preventive exams, it's almost impossible to detect violations. The pathology manifests itself only in the later stages.
- In case of damage to the papilloma, there is a possibility that the infection will spread to undamaged areas. There is a risk of the formation of growths located close to each other. If you notice such violations, you need to pay attention to an increase in the activity of the virus, undergo symptomatic treatment.
To reduce the risk of HPV infection, prophylaxis is performed. Thanks to vaccination, you can reduce the risk of infection with dangerous strains that cause serious complications and deterioration of health. Vaccination is carried out in childhood. If desired, the vaccine is given to elderly people under the age of 26 years.
On a note!The vaccine is effective in the absence of HPV in the body. Before being carried out, diagnostic tests are carried out to detect the virus.
To prevent infection, the development of HPV, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle:
- Take care of personal hygiene daily. Perform the necessary procedures after each visit to crowded places.
- Purchase and use personal hygiene items. Don't change clothes or shoes, even with close friends.
- Stabilize the state of the immune system. To strengthen the immune system, you need to take vitamin complexes. Pharmacy vitamins are especially effective in the fall and spring.
- Balance your diet.
- Reduce the influence of stressors, give up a violent reaction to unpleasant situations.
- Allow enough time for adequate rest, get at least 8 hours of sleep a day.
To prevent the appearance of papillomas, you need to take care of your health, carry out the necessary hygiene measures. If the presence of the virus is expressed in the formation of papillomas, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner for treatment, elimination of growths in the early stages of development.