About a quarter of the population suffers from a problem like warts. Someone doesn't pay attention to them, but someone cares, tries to treat them. Most neoplasms do not pose a specific threat, but there are deadly (malignant) types.

Its appearance is a serious skin disease that arose as a result of the human papillomavirus entering the body with weak immunity or a serious illness. The virus affects not only the visible parts of the body: hands, face, legs, but also the internal system of the body, it remains for life. A person lives without knowing the disease, is a carrier and, unfortunately, infects healthy people.
Today, more than a hundred varieties of this pathogen are known. Only people are susceptible to this, so the fear of getting infected with animals, especially frogs, is a myth.
What is a wart?
WartIt is a benign skin neoplasm caused by a virus. It develops in the form of a nodule or papilla. They can be one at a time or in tight groups. Spread among children and adults with weak immunity.
In children, there is a desire to pluck or simply scratch the wart, which leads to the transmission of the infection to a clean area of the skin. Warts behave completely unexpectedly: they may disappear on their own with no effect on them, or they may not be affected by the most effective medications and treatments.
types of warts
oval platesup to 9 mm in size, slightly above the skin. Painted in gray-yellow or yellow-pink colors. They form numerous clusters. It causes itching. Outwardly, they resemble a nettle burn. Appear on the face, neck, back skin of arms and legs, the body of girls, boys. This species is not found in adults. They occur during hormonal changes in the body.
hence the second namejuvenile warts. Its appearance on the skin of the face of young men can provoke the beginning of the use of razors: wounds on the skin of the face, neck and non-compliance with basic rules of hygiene. Go on your own.
A photo
A photograph of flat warts clearly demonstrates the characteristics of this type:

The most common type. It especially affects children. Location - fingers, palms, hands, rarely appear on the mucous membranes. 0. 5 to 2 mm expansion, flesh color, may be with red spots.
Grow from maternal warts to children. This type of treatment is not necessary. After 3-6-8 months they disappear on their own. Some cases have been identified when the wart has lasted 1. 5 years. Of course, they can be removed if they are located on a large area of skin or cause discomfort when moving.
A photo
The photograph shows the structure and location of the common wart on the fingers:

A common view among the elderly. In rare cases, pregnant women are affected, signaling a problem in the course of pregnancy, also with menopause in women, as the hormonal background is lost. At the initial stage, a bulge is formed, increasing in size, takes the form of a flesh-colored thread 5-10 mm. They can merge into groups, forming a scallop.
They appear in the area of the eyes, nose, neck, groin, armpits, around the chest in women, that is, where there is delicate skin, there are folds and places with excessive perspiration. Requires careful observation of specialists, treatment. They don't go alone. It needs to be treated or removed.
A photo
The photo shows threadlike warts that have reached the eye:

genital warts
small formationspink meat, divided into slices. Outwardly, they resemble a cauliflower inflorescence. They develop in the genitals, anus, in rare cases in the oral cavity, urethra. In appearance, warts are confused with mother-of-pearl papules, which are not a disease.
Genital warts are soft to the touch, attached to a thin stem, they can be of different sizes: from 2 millimeters to 10 centimeters. They are transmitted only sexually, therefore, they belong to the venereal disease of the same name. Areas with small cracks or bruises are especially vulnerable.
They appear 2-3 months after sexual contact, if immunity is excellent, the process can take decades. The spread of the virus in the body can cause cervical cancer in women and cancer of the penis in men. Therefore, if this type of wart is found, it is important to urgently contact doctors - specialists: a venereologist, a gynecologist. Just get rid of the treatment and removal.
A photo
The photo shows sharp (anogenital) warts:

Senile (seborrheic keratosis)
Occur in older people.Dark brown or blackthey resemble melanomas (malignant tumors), so it is important to see an oncologist. Appear on the face, neck, trunk. This type of neoplasm is the only one not caused by the human papillomavirus. Over time, the wart becomes dense to the touch, covered by a keratinized crust with black or white "pearls".
Location - chest, neck, face, arms. They do not appear on the soles and palms of the hands. The size is from 2mm to 6cm. Both single lumps and foci of accumulations up to several tens are possible. In patients with multiple seborrheic keratosis, a family history is sometimes observed, which is a reflection of an inherited predisposition.
This species develops slowly, over several decades, and does not undergo malignant transformation. They require observation and treatment. Remove as directed by a physician.
Important: with the appearance of a neoplasm on the skin of an elderly person, you should immediately consult a dermatologist and oncologist so as not to miss the development of skin cancer!
A photo
The images show the four stages of senile warts development.
Punctual internship:

Papular form (nodules and papules):


Leather horn:

Typical locations of warts
Warts most often appear in the following locations:
Facial warts:
- Flat - the most common type, affects the cheeks, the area around the mouth.
- Vulgar - can appear on any part of the face as single or multiple formations in different areas.
- Filiform - favorite places are the eyelids, lips, neck.
Warts on the hands and arms:
- Vulgar - affects fingers, palms, hands (photo).
- Flat - the back of the palms, the outer side of the elbow joint area, the nail plates (photo).
Plantar warts.Location - fingertips, toe bases, foot. Plantar warts are popularly called "thorns". They appear in pressure areas of shoes, especially in people who suffer from constant sweating of the feet. A yellowish-gray keratinized outgrowth. The appearance is observed singly, in rare cases, a group of three to five formations. Causes discomfort when walking. They pass on their own or are surgically removed, cauterization.
causes of warts
As we already know, the source of the appearance of neoplasms is the insidioushuman papilloma virus.Infection from a carrier of an infection to a healthy person by domestic, sexual contact, through objects of collective use.
It is easy to catch a virus in places of rest - a bathhouse, a sauna, a beach, a swimming pool. Favorable for infection at night, at night, as the sun's rays are harmful to the virus. Symptoms of the disease appear after two to five months.
Factors that contribute to the appearance of warts:
- Weak immunity.
- Synthetic footwear.
- Sweating.
- Violation of metabolism in the body.
- Endocrine Pathology.
- Stress.
- Fungal and other infectious diseases.
- Insufficient hygiene.
- Lack of nutrients in the body.
- Casual sex.
- Non-compliance with asepsis and antisepsis rules during manicure and pedicure.
Wart treatment at home
When a buildup appears, first of all, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist. He will examine, determine the nature of the occurrence and the type of education. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. In the early stages, drug treatment is highly effective.
in children
Wart treatment in children:
- Ointment prescribed by a dermatologist. Treat the wart itself directly, after steaming it, wait for complete absorption. The effect occurs from two weeks to two months.
- Medical plaster for the treatment of warts. It is saturated with salicylic acid. The advantage of the patch is that the affected area is covered. This does not stop the child from playing. It also prevents bacteria from entering the wound, thus blocking the spread of the virus.
- antiviral therapy.
- Apply medications to protect the immune system.
- Conduct preventive courses on vitamins.
Traditional medicine tips:
- Fresh juice of celandine, dandelion or garlic. Treat the wart several times a day.
- Pasta with vinegar essence. Mix two drops of essence with flour. Cut a small hole in the patch, equal to the size of the wart. Glue the white, thus protecting the healthy areas of the skin. We put a piece of the resulting mass in the hole, fix it on top with another small piece of plaster. It is better to carry out the procedure at night. The result is possible in the morning.
- Lotions from a decoction of absinthe.
If, after removal, new neoplasms appear, you should think about the state of the baby's immunity. It is important to carefully consider the child's nutrition, devote more time to walks in the fresh air. If the body's defenses work at full strength, then it is not necessary to know how to remove a wart from a child. The body will be able to deal with the virus on its own.
in adults
You can use chemicals from pharmacies: antiviral ointments and creams containing alkali or acids.
In addition, you can use:
- Caustic agent based on phenol and meta-cresol. Using the applicator, treat the wart without hitting healthy skin. Used to remove common, filiform, plantar warts.
- Preparation with sodium hydroxide. It is considered the best medicine. Use strictly as directed by your doctor.
- Remedy with celandine grass juice. The drug is not just for removing warts, it is also an antiviral agent.
- Spray with soda, temperature minus 57 degrees.
- A solution based on a mixture of different acids.
- Antiviral gel containing a unique synthetic peptide. Suitable for adults and children.
- A combination of polysaccharides, acetic and citric acids, potassium iodide, aromatic plant extracts and celandine. The drug has no side effects.
wart removal
You need to start by having the wart examined by a doctor, this will help to understand the cause of the occurrence and prevent recurrence.
laser removal
main method. Quickly and painlessly it will help get rid of the buildup. Used in children from an early age. Fights all types of warts.
There are several contraindications:
- ARVI or exacerbation of a chronic disease at the time of treatment;
- hypertension;
- evil upbringing;
- pregnancy and lactation.
A high-tech surgical laser is used for the procedure. In any neoplasm, under the action of high temperatures of the laser beam, the pathogen dies. The beam acts on the surface of the skin without touching or injuring it. The main advantage of this method is that the operator of the laser device can easily control the power and depth of the beam.
After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the wound, go to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, solarium, protect from direct sunlight, do not use cosmetics, do not hide under the plaster.
Treatment benefits:
- there is no risk of infection;
- the wound does not bleed;
- minimum time for the procedure;
- once is enough;
- method for any type of wart;
- no age restrictions.
Removal with liquid nitrogen (cryolysis)
Wart tissue cell death occurs during the freezing process. The method is suitable for shallow keratinized growths.
- nitrogen sensitivity;
- epileptic seizures;
- hypertension;
- pregnancy and first months of breastfeeding;
- SARS and other infections.
Use a special-nozzle cryoapplicator or a cotton-tipped wooden stick. impact on education during10-40 seconds. The growth turns white, within an hour a blister appears in its place, which in no case should be pierced or cut. It goes away on its own in a week, gradually drying up. Finally, traces of the treatment disappear in two to three weeks.
When treating flat warts, the doctor performs skin shading: 4 approaches at 2-minute intervals.
Treatment of plantar warts is painful as deeper exposure to nitrogen is required. For efficiency, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times in four days. In severe forms of growth, treatment is delayed by up to six months. The recovery period takes three weeks as there is pain during healing which causes discomfort when walking.
- affordable price;
- short-term procedure that does not require preparation;
- the development of infection is excluded;
- leaves no scars.
- anesthesia is required;
- with an inaccurate calculation of the exposure depth, a skin burn is possible.
- repeated courses for large warts.
Electrical cauterization (electrocoagulation)
special deviceelectrocoagulatorproduces a high frequency current. It has a tip with a loop-shaped electrode. The doctor controls and regulates the current supply. Under the influence of discharges, the temperature of the cells inside the wart reaches 80 degrees. They are dying. Education is cut. The crust finally disappears within a week.
- herpes activity;
- malignant tumors or suspicion of them;
- inflammation in the area of the procedure;
- the location of the wart near the blood vessels.
- the procedure takes little time - from a few seconds to a minute;
- the ability to burn multiple growths at once;
- no bleeding;
- there is no risk of infection.
- requires anesthesia;
- damage to surrounding tissues;
- unpleasant tingling sensations after the procedure;
- daily processing of crusts;
- scar.
scalpel excision
The traditional and easy way to remove. Before the procedure, the area is anesthetized and the growth is cut with a scalpel. The wound is sutured, which is removed on the eighth day. This method is used with an extensive injury when other methods are ineffective. Leaves scars. There is a risk of infection, later new outbreaks.
- large wart size;
- suspected development of a malignant tumor;
- contraindications to other methods.
Minimum contraindications:
- exacerbation of herpes or other infection;
- chronic diseases without complementary examination;
- refusal to pregnant women at the discretion of the physician.
Wart prevention:
- Hygiene.
- Permanent partner.
- Personal items.
- Vitamin therapy.
- Keeping immunity.
The developed medicine and a variety of ways of dealing with warts cannot affect the complete elimination of human papillomavirus, unfortunately, its rate is growing in every country in the world.You cannot leave the disease unattended.Constant monitoring by specialists and timely treatment will help to prevent the risk of malignant transformation of the focus.