From warts to cancer. What are papillomas and why are they dangerous?
The papillomavirus (human papillomavirus - HPV) is a disease caused by a viral infection that affects the skin and mucous membranes.
The virus manifests itself in the form of warts, papillomas, condylomas of various forms. The tumor consists of nodules and resembles cauliflower inflorescences or rooster combs. The skin papilloma can be small (no more than 1 mm) and quite large (up to 2 cm). At the beginning of its development, the formation has a flesh color, but over time it acquires a brown hue. Most often, warts appear on the neck, in the inguinal folds, armpits, elbows, knees, head, and around the eyes. Also, the growths can be in inconspicuous places, for example, on the cervix, vagina, external genitalia.
This disease has been known since ancient Greece. So far, statistics say that only 1 in 10 people do not have any type of HPV.
To determine what type of virus you have, you need to see a doctor and pass the necessary tests.
forms of infection
The papillomavirus needs special conditions to infiltrate the body. Infection occurs from person to person through direct contact. The greatest danger of transmission is through sexual contact, as the alkaline environment is beneficial for the virus, and there are often micro-cracks in the genitals.
In everyday life, it is more difficult to get infected with the papilloma virus, but there is a risk of transmitting the virus if the sick and healthy use the same bath towel and washcloth. If someone in the family is sick with HPV, hygiene and personal care should always be observed.
The only manifestation of the papillomavirus is genital warts and flat papules, although there may be no visible manifestations of the virus.
Risk factors
What to do if…
. . . if you accidentally damaged or tore out the tumor, treat the wound with an antiseptic (bright green, alcoholic solution). For the first 2-3 days, do not disturb it with water procedures and do not cover it with a band-aid.
. . . if the growth bleeds, hurts, increases in size - you need to urgently seek the help of a specialist.
Human papillomavirus is a risk factor for the development of cancer. First of all - cancer of the cervix, as well as of the external genitalia.
But papilloma infection does not necessarily lead to cancer. There are low-risk oncogenic viruses - these are subtypes 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 (most often they appear in the form of sharp bumps - genital warts). Subtypes 16, 18, 31, 33 - have a high oncogenic risk, form flat papules - warts. But from infection to malignant degeneration of cells, on average, it takes 10 to 20 years.
Smoking, alcohol, obesity, hormonal disorders that reduce immunity can accelerate the pathological process. Sometimes a virus that has been dormant in the body for years can suddenly wake up from sleep.
Papilloma is driven to destructive changes by sexually transmitted infections: cytomegalovirus, genital herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.
In addition, banal inaccuracy can become a risk factor. Papillomas in the armpit, neck and face are often injured, after which they bleed and can become inflamed.
Frequent trauma to papilloma can contribute to its degeneration into a malignant tumor.
If you have large papillomas on your body that you often touch, this is a direct indication for removal.
The Importance and Efficacy of Vaccination
Papillomavirus vaccination is important to prevent cancer and genital warts in both men and women. In addition, vaccines prevent precancerous conditions.
Vaccination against the papillomavirus reduces the risk of several diseases:
- cervical cancer- Special vaccine 4 reduces disease risk by approximately 70%, and vaccine 9, approved for use in Israel since school year 5780 (2019 - 2020), can reduce disease risk by approximately 90%.
- vaginal cancer– reduces the risk of disease by approximately 96%.
- penile cancer– reduces the risk of disease by approximately 99%.
- rectal cancer- reduces the risk of disease by approximately 77%.
- Warts on the genitalsIn Australia, among girls under the age of 21, the vaccine reduced the incidence by approximately 92% and among boys aged 16 to 26 years by approximately 89%.
- The vaccine also prevents the formation of warts on the genitals and larynx, which appear a short time after infection.
Duration of protection provided by the vaccine
Vaccination is effective for a period of at least 15 years, which is the period of time that has elapsed since the vaccine was first used. Studies show that women who were vaccinated 15 years ago still have levels of antibodies that protect against the virus. Experts predict the vaccine will provide protection for years to come; possibly for life.
Vaccination process
Vaccination against the papillomavirus is carried out by intramuscular injection in the shoulder region, two or three portions for six months.
HPV vaccination is recommended for boys and girls ages 9 to 26.
In special cases, on the recommendation of the attending physician, it is possible to vaccinate men and women aged 27 to 45 years.
It is important to get vaccinated at school age:
- The vaccine does not cure diseases resulting from infections that occurred before vaccination, so it is important to get vaccinated before the risk of infection arises.
- Infection with the papilloma virus is possible at first sexual contact and therefore it is important to get vaccinated before sexual activity begins.
- The best immune response is achieved with vaccination at school age compared to vaccination at older age.
Vaccination against the HPV papillomavirus as part of the vaccination program in schools
- Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, 8th grade boys and girls at the school will be vaccinated with vaccine 9, in two portions six months apart.
- Vaccinations have been carried out in recent years: From the 2015-2016 school year until the 2018-2019 school year, boys and girls were vaccinated in the 8th grade of the school with vaccine 4. In the 2014-2015 school years, girls were vaccinated in the 8th grade of the school with the vaccine 4. In 2013- In the academic year of 2014, the girls were vaccinated with the Cervarix vaccine in the 8th grade of the school, and the girls in the 9th grade in the health department.
boys vaccination
The recommendation to vaccinate boys, not just girls, follows the same reasons girls are vaccinated:
- To protect girls and boys from cancer and genital warts caused by a virus
- To prevent person-to-person transmission of the virus
Vaccination of unvaccinated children at school
We recommend that children who were not vaccinated at school be vaccinated against HPV.
The Ministry of Health recommends that girls born in 1999 or later, and boys born in 2002 or later who have not completed their full course of vaccination, be vaccinated.
- 9th grade students- Vaccination will be carried out by health care providers to students at the place of residence, free of charge.
- Students in grades 10 and above who are under 18– Vaccination will be carried out at the Health Department of the Ministry of Health at the place of residence, free of charge.
- over 18 years– can be vaccinated at the health insurance fund, for a fee.
Children who have received only one dose of the grade 8 vaccine should receive an additional vaccination with a second dose after at least six months.
Children who receive two doses in grade 8 in less than five months should receive an additional vaccination with a third dose at least 12 weeks after the second dose.
From the 9th grade, unvaccinated children are vaccinated with the administration of three doses (instead of two, as the response to the vaccine is better at a younger age). The recommended time interval between the first and second installments is one to two months, and between the second and third installments is five months.
It is recommended to vaccinate adults up to 26 years of age.
Adults who have received a dose of the vaccine in the past should supplement the vaccination according to their age at the time of vaccination.
Do not vaccinate at the same time as other vaccines.
There is no need to check for HPV infection before vaccination.
vaccine safety
HPV vaccines contain only an empty shell of the virus and do not contain the genetic material (DNA) of the virus - therefore, they are safe and there is no possibility of HPV papillomavirus infection during vaccination.