Viral formations growing on open areas of the body - papillomas and warts are perceived by many as a cosmetic defect. Removal of these neoplasms is possible in several ways, traditional medicine can also be attributed to them.
But before you start using "grandmother's recipes" in practice, you need to know exactly which papillomas can be removed on their own and what needs to be done so that they do not grow back.
Why do they appear?

Papillomas appear as a result of human infection with the smallest microorganism - the human papillomavirus or HPV for short.
Infection can occur in a number of ways. This is normal, mother-to-fetus sexual contact.
HPV infection does not always lead to unsightly-looking growths.
To activate the pathogen, a provocative effect of one of several negative factors is needed - a decrease in immunity, chronic diseases of the digestive tract, prolonged stress, hormonal failure.
Activation of the virus leads to the fact that it begins to actively multiply in the epithelium, changes the structure of the cells of this layer of the skin, and as a result, a small tumor begins to appear on the body.
It can take the form of flat or filiform papillomas, warts, genital warts growing in the genital area, plantar papillomas on the feet.
The main danger of the formation of papillomas in the body lies in the possibility of injury and infection.
Condylomas on the external and internal genitalia can form in the presence of oncogenic strains of HPV in the body and thus can indicate the possibility of developing cancer. There is also a risk of multiple appearance of papillomas in the body from a first formation.
How to get rid of HPV at home?
You can also get rid of papillomas on the body at home using pharmaceutical preparations or some folk remedies. But before starting self-treatment, you need to ensure that the viral formation does not degenerate into a malignant tumor.
This can be suspected by the rapid growth of the papilloma, the appearance of pain in it, the formation of ulcers and secretions on the surface of the growth. These warts cannot be removed without a preliminary examination by a doctor and examination.
If the growth appeared on the face or neck, then it is necessary to carefully select the prescription, as some methods are not used to remove neoplasms on thin skin.
With the help of properly selected folk recipes, two goals can be achieved:
- Remove an external skin defect.
- Strengthen the immune system, which will prevent the recurrence of papilloma formation.
Choosing treatment for papilloma at home, you need to prepare for the fact that it will take several days and even weeks. Whereas choosing modern removal methods most often solves the problem at once.
Immunity boost
Strengthening the work of the immune system on its own can be achieved in several ways at once, they are:
- Changing the nature of your diet.You need to rethink your habits of taste and addictions. The use of more plant foods, lactic acid, cereals, the absence of snacks and the rejection of sweets radically and for the better alters the functioning of the digestive organs, which has a positive effect on the defenses. Do not forget about the observance of the drinking regime - one day you need to drink about two liters of pure water.
- Vitamin therapy.An increase in protective forces also occurs with the intake of the most necessary vitamins and minerals for our body.
- Increase in physical activity.Daily sports, hiking, outdoor activities - all this is necessary for the proper and uninterrupted functioning of the immune system.
- Herb use coursewith immunomodulatory properties. This group of herbs includes echinacea, nettle, aloe, ginseng root. You can increase your defenses with the help of a tasty and healthy remedy, recommended for both children and adults. To prepare it, you will need 300 grams of dried fruits such as dried apricots and raisins, the same amount of nuts and honey. Dried fruits and nuts are crushed through a meat grinder and poured with honey, a lemon is added to this mixture, it must be thoroughly twisted. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, a large spoon should be consumed before breakfast. It is advisable to drink this medicine with rosehip broth, this effect will only increase.
Firming also helps to strengthen the immune system - dousing with cold water, a contrast bath. A positive attitude also has a beneficial effect in quickly eliminating any disease.
Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Judging by the works of ancient literature, papillomas have been known to mankind for a long time, and therefore it is not surprising that there are hundreds of recipes for viral formations in the treasury of folk wisdom.
Most of them really work, and the sooner they are used, the faster the warts on the body will disappear.
Folk remedies to reduce papillomas on the body:
- Celandine- This plant is not in vain bears that name. Leaves and juices have been used since ancient times to remove various growths on the skin. To get rid of the papilloma, it is necessary to drip fresh juice of celandine every day, squeezed from the stem. After that, the papilloma is closed from above with a patch. It takes at least 10 days to remove fresh formations, old ones can leave for several weeks. Celandine for the treatment of papillomas is harvested for the future. To do this, a fresh plant, together with leaves and a stem, must be chopped and watered with olive oil. The proportion of ingredients is 1: 1. This oily liquid must be infused for one month. After that, it is filtered and used to lubricate the warts up to three times a day.
- Nut ointment.It will take three or four green walnuts, they are crushed and poured with purified kerosene, to obtain a creamy mass. This ointment is applied on top of the wart, you need to put a plastic film over it and fix it with a bandage or plaster. The compress is kept for half an hour, repeated daily for 7-10 days.
- Ointment with aspirin.You need to take 2. 5 grams of aspirin, two grams of boric acid and 5% iodine in a volume of 2. 5 ml. Aspirin is crushed, the rest of the medicines and another 100 grams of alcohol are added to it. All of this is mixed together and used to lubricate the warts three to four times a day. Shake the mixture before using.
- Eggshell.You will need a shell of two eggs, it is advisable to take it home. The shell is heated in the oven at a temperature of 250 degrees for at least 30 minutes. It can then be ground in a coffee grinder or otherwise, but to a fine powder. It is poured into papillomas, it must be covered with cotton on top and fixed with tape. The dressing is changed every two days and treatment continues for three weeks.
- Vinegar.It is necessary to make a ball with a small amount of flour and table vinegar, it is fixed on top of the papilloma. This method is best used to remove plantar warts.
If within a month the use of one of the methods of traditional medicine has not given the desired result, then you need to go to a consultation with a dermatologist. After the examination, the doctor will select one of the most effective ways to get rid of HPV.
How to remove papillomas with castor oil?
Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean. This product is widely used in cosmetology, the oil smoothes the skin, brightens age spots and freckles, promotes healing of micro cracks and gives the skin elasticity.
Castor oil also helps with papillomas as it contains some antiviral components and substances that promote cell renewal.
There are two ways to use oil from viral formations in the body:
- The first way is to rub castor oil on the surface of the formation. The more times this is done, the faster the skin growth will slow down and then disappear completely.
- The second method is to apply castor oil on the papilloma and fix the tape on top. This is done once a day.
Naturally, to get rid of a cosmetic defect in this way, it will take at least a week. But castor oil has many advantages - when used, scars and age spots will not remain on the skin, and this remedy rejuvenates the skin.
Cauterization with alkaline solution
There is an alkaline aqueous solution, the drug does not contain celandine extract, but it is so called because its effect is comparable to using the juice of a plant.
The drug has a cauterizing property, and in order not to damage healthy tissues and get the desired result, you must follow all the steps of processing:
- Initially, the skin formation should be well steamed in hot water.
- Then the skin around the papilloma is smeared with a dense layer of petroleum jelly or baby cream.
- One or two drops of the solution are dripped into the center of the formation.
- The applied product must dry naturally. There is no need to close the papilloma.
After drying, black dots may appear at the base of the formation, which indicates the beginning of an action that destroys the buildup. Papillomas can disappear in three to four sessions, plantar warts in 6-7 sessions.
Mixing with a balm
The drug is used in the form of a balm and is used not only for papillomas, but also for psoriatic plaques and calluses.
The agent is applied to the papilloma with a match or a cotton swab, it is necessary to ensure that the agent does not get into the surrounding skin.
On the face and neck, papillomas should be treated within 7-10 minutes, if they are located on the neck, the procedure should take up to 10 minutes. As it dries, the stick should be moistened with balm. Papillomas and warts are treated twice a day, it can take up to 10 days to remove them.
- The first review, a girl, 25 years old: "The balm began to be used when the papilloma appeared in the armpit. I am satisfied with the drug, this growth disappeared after about five days, that is, one morning I simply did not find it probably flew away. The only thing that bothered me was not a very pleasant smell. "
- The second review, a 36-year-old woman: "I had threadlike formations on my upper thighs near the groin after a serious illness. The doctor suggested removing them using radio waves, but I was tight with finances so I started looking for external medicines. At first I used oxolinic ointment, there was no result, I accidentally found an alkaline solution in a pharmacy, the result appeared on the third day, and after a week there was no trace of my problem.